User Exit Surveys

We have a client that would like us to provide an exit survey on their website. The goal of the survey is to gauge the general experience and satisfaction that the user acheived while visiting the site.

I’ve been searching for a best practice on how to present the survey on the site in order to maximize the number of participants but haven’t really found any good information. The two ideas we’ve had are:

  • “Big” text on the top of each page asking people to participate
  • Popup windows on home page exit (problem with blockers)

Does anybody have any other suggestions? If you’ve had any experience with this type of issue, I would really appreciate it if you could please leave your comment here!

4 thoughts on “User Exit Surveys”

  1. Be careful if you use a ‘sweepstakes’ of sorts. There are a lot of laws in the US that dictate how a sweepstakes must work (and what is and isn’t considered one). Additionally, and even more worrisome is that lack of integrity on the web and in human nature. There are websites out there that harvest sweepstakes and give lazy people a central place to find out about them, even register in an automated way. The quality of your survey can be jeapordized by websites specializing in giving their members easy access.

  2. I’m really not sure about the layout of the site, but if it allows, possibly have a link below/beside the last menu item in the navigation. Simple text of “Satisfaction Survey.” Most people will see it, but it will not intrude them and will give them the choice to fill out the survey. Of course, then you’re hoping they’ve actually browsed the site a bit before they decide to do it.

    I think it depends on the audience expected as to how to approach it.

  3. I never feel in those surveys – especially not ones that pop up when I leave – I’m leaving because I have had enough so a pop up is annoying. I think the generally rule is that you get what you pay for, why should people waste time filling out a survey that helps a company earn more money (ok this sounds overly cynical I know). I think you if you want site feedback you either have to find some people to do testing and pay them, or offer some kind of incentive for filling out a survey.

  4. If your client makes use of flash on the homepage there is an approach which could work for you.

    We find a direct approach works well and actually dedicate the ‘flash feature’ to the purpose of an interactive survey.

    Its important to take the opportunity to REALLY explain the what and the why of the survey.

    Use the great features of flash to make the explanation both engaging and credible.

    The reality of business is customers will take part if they feel its going to be worthwhile to thier relationship with the business and not just a nameless excersise.

    Businesses do have to be leaders (people dont often know whats possible) but we’re all people and customers respond well to the opportunity to give constructive feedback (so long as its simple and within a strong context)

    Popups i would avoid as well as links as they are often missed. Use the home page and with flash build the whole process right into the page. (Make it the 30 second survey feature)

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