Nice CSS Layout Gallery

The Web Page Layout Gallery contains 5 very nice examples of various website layout designs and they are offered for free usage. As the first paragraph on their webpage states: “building CSS-based layouts can be a real pain in the *ss.” How very true!

A few other layouts included in this gallery are one designed to be used in a portal with generic classes that handle the appearance of specific portlets, as well as ‘Ruthsarian Menus’, advertised as a very compatible CSS-based dropdown menu system.

There even is a so-called “experimentation chamber”, but I didn’t have the courage to click through to see what specifically was offered there in the way of CSS layouts.

Advertise FireFox

Mozilla Firefox Ads are now available from You can now place a nicely designed image on your site that advertises this awesome web browser. The images are hosted from Mozilla’s site, so your site will not take a bandwidth hit.

In case you’re not aware, Firefox is the browser formerly known as Firebird. Version 0.8 was released today and can be downloaded from the Mozilla site. I’m already starting to see these images on tech-oriented websites as I surf around the Internet. This is a brilliant advertising strategy for Mozilla/Firefox because they are essentially giving the means to Firefox enthusiasts to advertise for Mozilla for free! When you have brand loyalty such as they have been able to achieve over time you can do things like this. Hosting the images/ads for us, which they do, helps too!