What’s The Best Programming Language To Learn In 2011?

It’s that time of year again. Programmers everywhere are wondering what skills will be most valuable in 2011 and what is the best programming language to put valuable time and effort into learning now.

There are many ways to look at the question but here’s a good analysis from Rob Diana incorporating Tiobe rankings, info from the Dataists, charts from indeed.com and SimplyHired and other sources like Stackoverflow, Google searches and GitHub projects. Hint: Lua, R, Clojure, Go, Erlang, Scala, Groovy, Scheme, ActionScript come out on top of this admittedly personal list.

We did a post around this time last year asking what the best programming languages to learn for 2010 would be; it’s interesting to compare the two lists.

15 thoughts on “What’s The Best Programming Language To Learn In 2011?”

  1. For me, it will be Python. For the web, for system administration, for general purpose, for scientific applications, for scripting, for using the the JVM or .Net and for learning programming, Python does it well. For speed I’ll use Java or may be Scala. I also love Groovy. I’ll use Bash for start-up scripts but I don’t like it.

  2. I also think python is the most suitable programming software in the present time

  3. I think learning java or c++ will be most suitable at this time. Php is also growing successful.

  4. Java = android; PHP&Javascript = web; Python = all purpose(clean & neat); C, C++, C# = Enterprise world!

  5. Java = Enterprise;
    Java = Mobile (Android) ;
    IOs = Mobile (Restricted iWorld)
    C & C++ = Performance & Heavy Computations;
    Javascript & PHP = web;
    Python = all purpose(clean & neat);
    Flash & HTML5 = Future UI of Web;
    Silverlight = Ditched looser;
    C# = For fools !

    Thats it !

  6. C & C++ = Performance & computations;
    Javascript & PHP = web;
    Python = all purpose(clean & neat);
    Flash & HTML5 = Future UI of Web;
    Silverlight = Discontinued looser;
    C# = For fools !

    Thats it !

  7. C# = Enterprise;
    C# = Mobile (Android) ;
    C# = Mobile (Restricted iWorld)
    C# = Performance & Heavy Computations;
    C# = web;
    C# = all purpose(clean & neat);
    C# = Future UI of Web;
    C# = Ditched looser;
    C# = The Last Programming Language

  8. C: The principles it teaches make learning a new language so much easier, plus when using Java or C# you won’t be taking things like automatic memory management for granted.

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